Pax Christi Maine Retreat – Sept. 26 & 27, 2020

“Widen the Space of Your Tent: Living the Christ Life in a Cosmological ~ Planetary Era”

led by Sr. Gail Worcelo, SGM Co-founder of the Green Mountain Monastery and the Thomas Berry Sanctuary in Greensboro, Vermont

How can our understanding of our place in the Universe Story offer guidance for our way into the future? Can the Earth community give us comfort  during these trying times? How can we make our tent pegs firm and maintain a steady and coherent Christ presence for our world? These and other questions will be explored through a combination of presentation, quiet reflection, small & large group sharing.

For more information on this online zoom retreat and to register contact:

Mary Ellen Quinn Pax Christi Maine Co-Coordinator at 207 223-4992 or

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