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About us

About Pax Christi

Pax Christi originated at the end of WWII when French and German Catholics came together to pray for forgiveness and reconciliation and the peace of Christ.  The movement spread throughout Europe and in 1972 the United States chapter was founded.

About Pax Christi Maine

Pax Christi Maine is a Region of Pax Christi USA, which is a Section of Pax Christi International, a Catholic peace and justice movement which has representation status at the United Nations in New York and Vienna, the UN Human Rights Commission and Sub-Commission in Geneva, UNESCO in Paris and UNICEF in New York.


Pax Christi Maine shares the priorities of Pax Christi USA, which are:

  • Spirituality of nonviolence and peacemaking
  • Disarmament, demilitarization and reconciliation with justice
  • Economic and interracial justice in the United States
  • Human Rights and global restoration

In addition PCM Includes: A just world order, primacy of conscience, education for peace, non-violent conflict resolution, and all aspects of social justice, including equality for women.

LEADERSHIP of PCM consists of two Co-Coordinators and a Council of representatives from each local group plus at-large members, The Council meets monthly, and via telephone conferencing as needed.

STATEWIDE GATHERINGS are held throughout the year including a Spring Assembly and a Fall Retreat.

LOCAL GROUPS meet to study and expand their knowledge and understanding of Catholic social teaching, the inter-relatedness of social and environmental issues and to deepen their commitment to Gospel Nonviolence. Their action takes many forms, such as peace vigils, educational programs, writing letters to newspapers and legislative or congressional representatives, joining peace walks, preparing educational materials for distribution in faith communities and joining with others to oppose war, violence and personal and structural racism.

Statement of Purpose

The primary purpose of Pax Christi Maine is to work with all people for peace and justice for all humankind and for a more sustainable world, always witnessing to the Peace of Christ through nonviolent means.  Pax Christi Maine rejects war, preparations for war, and every form of violence and domination. It advocates primacy of conscience, economic and social justice and respect for creation.

This work, rooted in a  Gospel vision of peace and the sacredness of all human life and of all Creation, begins in personal life and extends to communities of reflection and action seeking to transform structures of society.

In pursuit of its goals, Pax Christi Maine seeks to develop peace communities whose members ground their action in prayer and study and who also network with those sharing common goals and nonviolent methods.

Our brochure

You can download our brochure in pdf format by following this link.