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Christians Worldwide sign Letter of Support for Nonviolent Student Protests

In September 2024, Pax Christi Maine signed onto this Letter of Christian Support for Student Ceasefire and Divestment Campaigns.
An excerpt: “We weep for all those who have lost their homes, their limbs, their beloved ones
and their own lives. We declare that our hearts are big enough to feel sorrow and have
empathy for Palestinians and Israelis alike. We also know that more violence will not solve
anything. The students are asking our government to stop the killing and to feed the hungry.
This is exactly what our scriptures say.”

With the support of FOSNA and the Pax Christi USA Palestine Solidarity Working Group, the letter garnered signatures from 74 organizations, 70 clergy and over 600 individuals. We encourage you to share this letter with student groups, college administrators, federal and state legislators, churches, and pastoral leaders. It can be used for letters to the editor, on personal social media accounts. Let others know that Christians are standing in solidarity with Palestinians against the occupation and with students calling for ceasefire and divestment, working nonviolently for peace and justice in the Holy Land.