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Local Groups

Greater Bangor

The Bangor area faith sharing group meets twice a month (currently on zoom) on Sunday evening from 7:00 – 8:15 pm. Group members decide the focus with a goal of deepening our understanding and practice of Christian Nonviolence in our daily lives, in community and in our world. Each meeting is grounded in prayer. We read and discuss a variety of spiritual books, Papal encyclicals, podcasts, writings, and reflections. We organize, network and share opportunities for social justice actions.

For more information, please contact Mary Ellen Quinn


Pax Christi Houlton is a small and ecumenically diverse group of people committed to praying, studying history and theology as well as current issues, and acting on behalf of justice and peace. We meet approximately once a month in members’ homes. A common text, such as recent writings of Pope Francis, is generally the focus of our discussion, leading us to conversations about what is happening in our area and around the world.

Our prayer and study usually lead us to take action: writing a letter to the editor, organizing a local vigil on gun violence prevention, or submitting testimony on behalf of justice-producing legislation, including support of Wabanaki efforts to protect their homeland from a proposed mineral mine.

For more information, please contact Mary Beth DiMarco


Lewiston-Auburn, Western Maine

We meet by zoom on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 7pm to 8 or 8:30pm. Our meetings our open to any who may want to participate.

We work at building community with prayer and discussion.

We are presently discussing Advancing Nonviolence and Just Peace in the Church and the World, a publication of Pax Christi International, and any other items that participants wish to bring up. Our discussions include video presentations by those knowledgeable about the book.

For more information, please contact Fred Brodeur


Southern Maine

The Southern Maine Pax Christi group meets virtually, on a monthly schedule adjusted to accommodate its members’ needs, for prayer, study and discussion. Topics have included Papal Encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti, Archbishop Wester’s Apostolic Letter “Living in the Light of Christ’s Peace” as well as topics related to our personal seeking to follow the nonviolent Jesus and to discern actions such as writing Letters to the Editor or Op Eds, or joining others in vigils and protests. We welcome new members.

For information contact: Denny Dreher