Racial Equity and Justice organizers

Pax Christi Maine members across the state have been participating in nonviolent actions in their local areas to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Large protests, mainly led by people of color (BIPOC), have risen up immediately following the murder of George Floyd on May 25th at the hands of police in Minneapolis.
The gatherings mentioned here are just a few of the well attended protests across Maine. In Bangor, there were two protests, one held downtown and one at the Bangor International Airport. Pax Christi members, Len Simons and Ann O’Brien travelled from Downeast to join a few hundred people at the “We Are Maine” rally at BIA where the crowd gathered for a full afternoon as President Trump flew in and later departed from the airport following his ‘photo op’ visit to Puritan, a medical supply plant in Guilford.
According to Ann, the rally included diverse faith, social justice and peace groups. There were inspiring speakers and chanting as those assembled knelt together in solidarity, united against police violence, white supremacy, racism and economic inequality.
PCM Co-Coordinator Mary Ellen Quinn was among hundreds of protestors who poured into the streets adjacent to Peirce Park to hear powerful speakers following which the crowd marched through Bangor to the Police Department where they engaged a group of supportive police officers in dialogue.
Pax Christi Maine member Barbara Moss participated in the protest in Augusta where a crowd of more than 1,000 gathered on the grounds of the State House to peacefully protest institutional racism and police brutality.
Nonviolent action is an essential strategy, one which research has shown to be more effective than violence in achieving lasting change. Pax Christi Maine adheres to a model for just and systemic change which integrates prayer, study and action.